SPARKS Where Bright Ideas Are Shared

The Brighter Side Of Existentialism – Brooke Randolph Sparks May 2016

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Watch as Brooke Randolph takes us through the brighter side of existentialism.  To learn more about Brooke visit her LinkedIn profile at

Brooke Randolph is a therapist, parent (adoptive, step, and grand!), and author.
She is a contributing author to the book Adoption Therapy: Perspectives from Clients
and Clinicians on Processing and Healing Post-Adoption Issues (2014), author of The
Bully Book: a workbook for kids coping with bullies (2016), and organizing editor of
the upcoming book It’s Not About You: Understanding Adoptee Search, Reunion & Open
Adoption. She has authored adoption education materials and presented at numerous
conferences and workshops throughout North America. Brooke’s primary motivation is
to encourage, equip, and empower individuals and couples striving for whole-hearted
living and conscious relationships.

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